Become a Member
Becoming an Active Member of the R&R starts with an audition. These happen at varying times of the year depending on production needs. Please keep and eye on our News Feed and social pages for upcoming auditions.
Associate Membership
The R&R has a very strong Associate Membership which remains an important part of the success of our society.
As an Associate Member you are entitled to 2 tickets to our main show performances throughout the year (4 in total). You also have priority booking with tickets available before being released to the public. During the year, other events can be laid on for Associates like concerts, social nights, cabarets and golf classics – each a fun filled night of entertainment.
Associate Members may also attend our Annual General Meeting and voice opinions on any matters to be addressed, such as choice of show for example. Two members are elected to represent the Associates on the Executive Committee
The cost of Associate Membership is €150. Want to find out more? Email [email protected]
Contact Details
Rathmines & Rathgar Musical Society
67-69 Upper Rathmines Rd.
Dublin 6, Ireland
[email protected]
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