Feis Ceoil – 2021


The Feis Ceoil comprises almost 200 competitions and attracts over 5,000 participants from all over Ireland every year. View the full list of competitions with Syllabus details.

Syllabus of Competitions


A Message from the CEO of Feis Ceoil

I hope this finds you very well since I was last in touch.  My last email was to announce the unfortunate cancellation of Feis Ceoil 2020, which seems like a lifetime ago now!


I wanted to send you an update on plans for Feis Ceoil 2021, which I am delighted to say is going ahead.  After much deliberation, and many changes of plan, we decided to proceed with Feis Ceoil online this year.  Although this will be radically different, we felt it was vital to provide this platform and vehicle for feedback to competitors, despite the inherent challenges.  Further, competitors missed out on the many awards and bursaries we have to offer, courtesy of yourselves, so we want to be able to offer those this year.  Unfortunately we could not offer choir, orchestra, conducting, piano duet or sight-reading competitions this year, but our remaining 134 competitions will go ahead.


Competitors will be asked to submit video recordings via their competitor portal on our website, which will be uploaded for viewing and adjudication.  As with a normal Feis however, a number of competitions will be scheduled for each day, and only those competition videos will be accessible that day, and for that day only.  In the case of junior competitions, while the adjudicator will be able to view the full video, the public will only be able to access the audio recording, in the interest of child protection.


Further details and guidelines are available on our website: https://www.feisceoil.ie/festival/guidelines/ and access to the competitions themselves will also be via the website from 15th March.  The full schedule of competitions and festival Programme will be published online for ease of access (although printed copies of the Programme will also be available).